Here are some telling-signs that you have a termite problem.
1. Winged Termites
Most people, think that a winged termite is just a winged ant. This is completely understandable, given they both swarm at the same time of year. There are several distinguishing features between a flying termite and a flying ant. Termites have straight antennae, an equally proportioned waste and their wings are all roughly the same size. Flying ants on the other hand, have antennae which have a slight bend in them, tapered waists and their wings are not equally sized.
2. Flying Termites Around Lights
They can usually be spotted around doors and windows. If you see a winged termite taking flight from tree stumps, woodpiles, or other places in the garden, it doesn’t necessarily mean your house will get infested with termites. You should be concerned if you see a flying termite soar out from under your foundation wall, porches, or patios. If this is the scenario, then it is most probable you have a termite infestation and chances are good you will need termite treatment.
3. Dirt Tubes
If your house is infested with termites you will usually find these tubes on the foundation walls, support piers, sill plates, floor joists, slabs, etc . . . These mud tubes diameter is usually equal to that of a pen. Sometimes, they can be thicker.
These tubes act as transportation for the termites. They provide cover for the termites as they move back and forth from their underground nest to your house. If you find one of these tubes you should cut it open. Once the tube is open look for small, white, almost translucent worker termites. If you cut it open and don’t find any termites, it doesn’t mean you don’t have an infestation in your house. Termites build tubes use them, then move on for other sources of food and build new ones. They may just be in another tube somewhere in your house.
4. Damaged wood
Along the grain, you will find the wood has been hollowed out. If you are infested by termites, you will find pieces of dried mud or soil inside the hollowed wood. Other types of wood damaging insects, such as carpenter ants, or wood damage done by moisture will not exhibit this trait. Sometimes, termites will chew through plaster and drywall. Again, you will know it is termites if you find small pieces of soil around the edges. If your home has a termite infestation, you may also notice sunken or rippled wall coverings. This is a good sign they are burrowing underneath.
Please contact a Pest Control Professional immediately if you have more than 3 signs of termites mentioned about. AntiPest would like to offer its professional pest control services to you. For a free consultation, please call 03-8023 1888 or visit for more information today!