Weird Pests in Malaysia & Their Uncanny Abilities (Part 1 of 2)

Deep inside the Malaysian forests, there are all sorts of bug species that we don’t normally see in our everyday lives.  Some of them look weird in appearance whilst others look fascinating.  However, the interesting things to know about some of these pest species lie upon their eccentric behavior and what they can do to their prey.

(i) Ninja Slug

This kind of bug has a unique way of looking for a soul mate – the way of the Cupid, except that it doesn’t shoot arrow; instead, it shoots out love darts infused with hormones at its target so that she will fall in love and mate with him.  Only the male slugs have such unique ability.  What a sexist world!

(ii) Horsehair Worm

If you think this is a shoelace, you are sorely mistaken.  This is a parasitic pest that enters the body of another insect (cricket, mantis, for example) and uses it as a host to grow.  When it reaches its maturity, instead of bursting out through the rib cage of its host like a xenomorph (Alien … ring a bell?), it will use its mind-control ability to persuade the host to commit suicide by drowning itself so that it will wriggle out from the anus of the host after the host bites the dust.

(iii) Assassin Bug

This nasty little bug likes to prey on ants, plus, it has a sick habit of wearing its victim’s dead body as a fur coat.  After an assassin bug kills an ant, it will put its carcass on its back like a trophy.  An assassin ant is capable of stacking more than 20 dead ants at a time.

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