Secrets & Shocking Facts about Mosquitoes

You think you know about everything there is to know about mosquitoes?  Well, you don’t, actually.  You will be amazed to learn more of their secrets and behavior.

(i) Mosquitoes attack us because we breathe.  They are attracted to us due to the carbon dioxide we exhale, and they can sense this from 100 feet away.  Why do mosquitoes like to buzz in our ears?  Because they sense the carbon dioxide that comes out from our nose and mouth.  How to avoid this?  Stop breathing.

(ii) The smell of chocolate can distract them.  If you want to confuse the skeeters and make them lose their target (that’s you), surround yourself with scent that smells like caramelized, minty or fruity chocolate; this would render their carbon dioxide sensor malfunction.

(iii) Mosquito spittle can produce itch. Why does your skin feel itchy after being bitten by mosquitoes?  Because their slobber contains a compound that serves as an anticoagulant to facilitate their feasting on blood but, “in return”, causes an allergic and itchy reaction to humans.  In conclusion, don’t let a mosquito spit on you.

(iv) Your dirty socks can make them go nuts.   Mosquitoes infected with malarial parasites are easily drawn to human sweat.  Ergo, you better change and clean your stinky, sweat-soaked sox and take shower every day.

(v) Mosquitoes are the deadliest creatures on Earth.  Compared to other animals, mosquitoes cause the highest (human) body count!  Thanks to their “contributions” of yellow fever, malaria, breakbone fever, and encephalitis.  Such viruses mutate the mosquito genes and make them more aggressive, eager for more blood meals and enhance their sense of smell making them better hunters!  One such virus-carrying mosquito can infect more than 100 human beings and, according to the World Health Organization, malaria kills a child every 45 seconds in Africa.

Having mosquito problem?  Call AntiPest at 03-8023 1888 today for consultation and professional solution.

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