In Malaysia, there are many pest control companies to choose from, but they are not all the same. Therefore, start by asking the following questions to ensure that the pest control company you hire can truly handle your pest problem:
- Is this a reputable, established company?
- Are they specialists in commercial pest control?
- Do they know about my business and the unique challenges faced regarding pest control?
- Are their staff and technicians thoroughly trained and knowledgeable?
- Are they certified and/or licensed?
- Are they recognised by the Pest Control Association of Malaysia (PCAM) or other Pest Control organizations?
- Can they provide relevant references?
Price estimation is based on the type of pest infestation, the treatment method used as well as the size of the treated area. Contact a reliable pest control company to provide a survey and estimate. Currently most surveys and estimates are offered free.
All pesticides used in Malaysia must be approved by the Pesticides Board of Malaysia, and applied according to the recommended dosages and safety practices.
Pests are generally defined as living organisms that are found at the wrong place and time. Pests normally enter the house in search of food, and the house becomes a harborage for them to hide and breed.
Diligent preventive pest control measures such measures, such as good housekeeping and physical exclusion, are the primary solutions to most pest problems.
As the saying goes, "Prevention is Better than Cure". Particularly for termites, it would be wise to carry out preventive treatments or have a regular inspection program.
AntiPest uses efficient tools with international standards as well as endorsed technology to exterminate the pests.